Meet Our Support Staff

To ensure your concerns are directed to the appropriate attorneys and handled in the most expedient fashion, Mickey Wilson maintains a staff of extremely experienced, highly competent legal assistants to help in client interaction, document preparation and office management. Each of the support staff are identified below, along with their respective work areas. Feel free to contact our staff below by email (click their name) or via telephone.

Lori Bunkofske  – Legal Assistant for MWWRL&J, and Attorneys Mickey and Weiler
Lori handles client interaction, scheduling, and document preparation for Attorneys Mickey and Weiler.
E-Mail Lori Bunkofske
630-801-9699, ext. 108

Ellyn Exline (Office Manager) – Legal Assistant for Elder Law Center, P.C. / MWWRL&J, and Attorneys Lenert and Renzi
For the Elder Law Center, Ellyn handles Medicaid applications, document preparation, probate, and guardianship matters. For Mickey Wilson, she handles client interaction, scheduling, and document preparation.
E-Mail Ellyn Exline
630-801-9699, ext. 123

Millisa Jensen – Legal Assistant for MWWRL&J / Elder Law Center, P.C., and Attorneys Julien and Wilson
Millisa handles client interaction, scheduling, and document preparation for Attorney Julien.
E-Mail Millisa Jensen
630-801-9699, ext. 109

Susan Scott – Bookkeeper / Billing Manager for Mickey, Wilson, Weiler, Renzi, Lenert, & Julien, P.C. / Elder Law Center, P.C.
Susan handles both bookkeeping and client billing matters.
E-Mail Susan Scott
630-801-9699, ext. 101